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The Feminine Macabre

The Feminine Macabre first began in 2020 as a response to the paranormal community ignoring women's work at conferences, paracons, and on television for years. Frustrated with the lack of diversity and representation, Amanda set out to create a place where women could share their research and theories in areas such as hauntings, history, witchcraft, tarot, folklore, cryptids, extraterrestrials, astrology, and more. Since its first publication in 2021, we have released six volumes featuring over 130 female and nonbinary writers from ten countries, with forewords from women in the field, such as Patti Negri, Bridget Marquardt, and Mhara Starling. 




















We are currently looking for submissions for Volume VII. 


We are only looking for non-fiction writings at this time. Keep in mind that this is a journal to share knowledge and educate readers. While we love hearing people’s personal stories, they are less likely to be accepted. We also get multiple submissions highlighting haunted locations. To have a better chance of being accepted, try to think outside the box! Consider highlighting a woman in the paranormal, sharing your research, explaining a theory you have, or teaching people to use tarot or tap into their psychic abilities (DIY articles are always a hit!). These are just a few ideas. If you need inspiration, consider purchasing a copy of The Feminine Macabre to see what got accepted in the past!


If you’re interested in submitting, check out the guidelines below.


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your unpublished works on ghosts, folklore, the occult, witchcraft, cryptids, dark history, investigations, cemetery art, voodoo, tarot, parapsychology research, women in the field, etc., with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Please email it as a WORD Document labeled with your NAME and the TITLE of your work. Please format your Word Document with 12-point Times New Roman and double-spaced (and please remove spaces between paragraphs). Send your submission to with FEMALE JOURNAL SUBMISSION as the subject.


Photos/illustrations should either be your own or in the public domain. Please place the images in the document where you would like them to appear. We will read through each article and edit as needed with spelling, grammar, etc., but please be sure to send us a polished piece of writing (we are less likely to accept a piece if we have to heavily edit the writing or if we struggle to understand what is trying to be said). We may have to edit your piece for length. By submitting, you agree to us editing your piece as we deem necessary.


You are welcome to submit multiple pieces. However, only one will be accepted for the journal at a time. Also, women who were published in previous volumes are more than welcome to submit again.


Please also include a short bio and headshot to be included in the journal. Your bio should be 200 words or less and in the third-person.


Please attach your works cited, bio, and headshot in the same Word Document as your essay.


This is open worldwide.



As of Volume II, we are now accepting artwork. If you are a psychic artist who uses art in your mediumship, we would love to include your artwork! Keep in mind that the journal is printed in grayscale, so no colors will show. It is recommended that you include a bit of writing with your artwork as well–your creative process, how others might tap into their spiritual/psychic artistic skills, and/or the meaning behind the piece are just a few ideas of what you could write about. We also enjoy publishing photo essays. In the past we've published pieces on urban exploration, recreating spirit photos, and even reimaginings of fairy tales. Please make sure to write a bit about your images to help readers better understand what they're looking at. 


Non-Binary Writers

We want to include as many under-represented individuals as possible, so we encourage you to join us! We are working with some of our non-binary friends in the paranormal community to make The Feminine Macabre a safe and comfortable place for everyone. We are adding an additional section in the journal for writers who identify as non-binary, so this will be a journal with ladies and theydies!



The Feminine Macabre is a one-woman endeavor. Amanda will be reading through each piece but won’t necessarily have time to respond to everyone. You will not hear from her if she decides to pass on your submission. But don’t be discouraged! We hope you’ll continue to submit for upcoming volumes! You will only hear from Amanda if we decide to publish your work.



At the moment, we are unable to pay writers for articles. Writers will be given one free copy of the journal as well as a chance to purchase additional copies at the wholesale price in order to resell them on their own.



Submissions for Volume VII are now open. Submissions are due on January 1, 2025 for a spring release. 



More than just a book series! 


The Feminine Macabre's goal is to also create a community of women supporting women. Through this journal, we've been able to get opportunities for our writers including speaking engagements and publications in Haunted Magazine. On occasion, our writers also meet in person at events such as the Haunted America Conference, MASSParacon, and even on our weekend getaways to places like the Lizzie Borden House, Salem, and Gettysburg. 

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Author, Lecturer, Museum Curator

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